Last Saturday I had my first team practice. It was amazing! I felt instantly apart of the team and included. I really enjoyed running with other people, chatting, and being cheered on to make it to the next light. I am very pumped about being on the Boston team, it is so fun to run in the city. I was really nervous about sticking out because I am not a well seasoned runner, but my best was good enough. I gave it my best and returned from my first run to see fellow team-mates cheering and clapping!
I felt so great and so accomplished, but very sore! I was determined to not give up so I got up and ran in my neighborhood for 20 minutes on Monday. Tuesday and Thursday I reunited with Planet Fitness. I jogged for 30 minutes straight! I was very tired but smiling so big that I did not give up! Wednesdays are packed full days, so I opted out of taking the bus to my Church and walked as fast as I could go.
Today I unfortunately missed practice, but once I woke up I wanted to seize the day! I went back to visit my friend Planet Fitness. I am so glad I did that. I had a much better outlook for the day and did not waste time beating myself up for my sleeping mess up, but got back up and pressed on.
I have many moments of ups and downs. Its likes running because of the different terrain. I keep telling myself to press on. I find it very instrumental I am taking on this physical challenge in relation to life. There are difficult times, times that breeze by, and times you have to work so hard to make it through. My goal is simple, to finish the race, not get a mile in and say "forget about it!" I will run the race, I will press on! Keep on encouraging me, believing in me, and being excited for me! I just need people to stop telling me how many miles a half marathon is, that's when I start to freak out! :-)
SO here is the deal! I have so many friends! more than 150! 3,000 dollars is my goal. If 150 of you donate 20 dollars I will reach this. It is easy to donate using my fundraising page. The donation is also tax deductible if that's a important thing for you. This is how you can help! I am pretty sure my international friends can help too! so click on the link! retweet, share, forward, help me get the word out!
click this link!
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