Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Getting Stronger!

This is such a great experience already. Every accomplishment no matter the size I feel so filled with hope and excitement! I can easily be discouraged because in all areas I am my biggest critic. I was reminded earlier this week to be gentle on myself. My focus needs to be on the current day, and take it one day at a time. I will be so bogged down if i keep thinking 13.1 miles, 13.1 miles, 13.1 miles! So my thoughts will be I can do this, I can do this, I can do this! I got this, it is very exciting.When I fear or doubt my abilities, I just have to remember with God's strength I can do this. I will do my best, work as hard as I can, and that will get me through! Think positive think positive think positive!! :-)

After work I visited my new friend Planet Fitness. I really am getting use to that place, and do not feel so out of place. I put in a good 70 minutes! 35 on the elliptical and 35 on the treadmill! It was so hard, but once I saw 29:58 I was smiling so big. I was so happy that I did not stop and surrender my machine to the waiting vultures to snatch up my machine! Going to the gym at 6 is prime time, there were so many people!

It feels so good to be working towards a goal. To be fully committed to something that I can control. I know this will be a life changing experience that will really put a shift in my life! I feel so encouraged by the people cheering me on and believing in me.

Superchick is one of my favorite bands. I really enjoy following them on Twitter and Facebook. When I was in High School I had a friend named Rachel who was on the track team with me. She told me something to the effect that the song "Get up" by Superchick was her anthem, perfect motivation for running. I could not agree more. So I will end today's post with a bit of the lyrics, check out the song for yourself!

I'm not afraid to fall
it means i climbed up high
to fall is not to fail
you fail when you don't try
not afraid to fall
i might just learn to fly and
i will spread these wings of mine

Have you donated yet to my page? 20 dollars from 150 of you loved readers will help me reach my goal!

here is the link!


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Thinking about running puts a smile on my face!

Today marks a week of running and working at my fitness.My biggest fear is that I would give up. It has been really encouraging to be asked about my running, and even those who are waiting for my next blog! I am thankful for all of you that are supporting me and believing in me, you are my extended team!

Last Saturday I had my first team practice. It was amazing! I felt instantly apart of the team and included. I really enjoyed running with other people, chatting, and being cheered on to make it to the next light. I am very pumped about being on the Boston team, it is so fun to run in the city. I was really nervous about sticking out because I am not a well seasoned runner, but my best was good enough. I gave it my best and returned from my first run to see fellow team-mates cheering and clapping!

I felt so great and so accomplished, but very sore! I was determined to not give up so I got up and ran in my neighborhood for 20 minutes on Monday. Tuesday and Thursday I reunited with Planet Fitness. I jogged for 30 minutes straight! I was very tired but smiling so big that I did not give up! Wednesdays are packed full days, so I opted out of taking the bus to my Church and walked as fast as I could go.

Today I unfortunately missed practice, but once I woke up I wanted to seize the day! I went back to visit my friend Planet Fitness. I am so glad I did that. I had a much better outlook for the day and did not waste time beating myself up for my sleeping mess up, but got back up and pressed on.

I have many moments of ups and downs. Its likes running because of the different terrain. I keep telling myself to press on. I find it very instrumental I am taking on this physical challenge in relation to life. There are difficult times, times that breeze by, and times you have to work so hard to make it through. My goal is simple, to finish the race, not get a mile in and say "forget about it!" I will run the race, I will press on! Keep on encouraging me, believing in me, and being excited for me! I just need people to stop telling me how many miles a half marathon is, that's when I start to freak out! :-)

SO here is the deal! I have so many friends! more than 150! 3,000 dollars is my goal. If 150 of you donate 20 dollars I will reach this. It is easy to donate using my fundraising page. The donation is also tax deductible if that's a important thing for you. This is how you can help! I am pretty sure my international friends can help too! so click on the link! retweet, share, forward, help me get the  word out!

click this link!

Thank You for the Support!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Big News!

I am starting a new blog to chronicle my journey in this new adventure I am starting. I have decided to train to run a half marathon! A person came into my work and gave me a few pamphlets that said "PSYCHED" with a very athletic looking girl on the cover. I think his hope was that we would leave them on the desk so customers would take them, but my boss is not really into advertising for others, even for a good cause. So one day I was bored and took a look at the pamphlet. I was intrigued and inspired. So The Leukemia & Lymphoma society's Team in Training prepares you for various races while fundraising for cancer.

OK you are probably wondering how on earth I came to this decision! Well a good friend of mine Amanda Keene trained last year for a 5K. She was crazy dedicated and when I saw this pamphlet and remembered Amanda's Journey, a light bulb went off! What a genius idea! I have been on the fence about getting in shape and healthy, but always full of excuses. When Amanda trained for her race she had to make good choices and work to be fit enough to finish the race! So I am very excited to focus on getting across the finish line, and really jump start a lifestyle change! The race is right before my 25th birthday, I see that as a turning point. I will be a quarter of a century old! So this is my 25th year challenge!

You are probably thinking half marathon that is still crazy! I agree, but I really have a sense of peace about it. The real selling point for this organization, is that its a team. You train together, there are coaches to help you, and people to cheer you on. I am not really afraid of the distance just the idea of getting up to run on my own. With the team I have people holding me accountable, and mentoring me. I also am very excited to meet new people, and start a new hobby.

I do not personally know anyone who has or had this kind of cancer, But I know that any cancer is rough, and its worth working to help anyone with cancer. My mom died of Colon cancer almost 3 years ago. I was with her through all the surgeries, chemo, radiation, and just plain feeling sick. So I know in part the struggles for families dealing with cancer. My mom really wanted me to be happy and healthy, she did not want me to go through what she did. So I know she would be so proud of me for doing this.

So please read my posts, encourage me, pray for me, run with me, and financially support me! My goal is to raise 3,000, it would be phenomenal if we surpassed that goal! My way of breaking it down is the idea that if 150 of my friends gave 20 dollars the goal would be met! I have a fundraising page that I will link to this. I hope you find my posts exciting, funny and maybe they will potentially inspire you to take on a challenge like this like Amanda has inspired me!